The Batman - Movie Review

The Batman: Directed by Matt Reeves

SYNOPSIS: In his second year of fighting crime, Batman uncovers corruption in Gotham City that connects to his own family while facing a serial killer known as the Riddler.

It is so hard for me to properly explain my feelings for this film. There is so much to say about this film. Every single aspect of The Batman is such a work of art. I have yet to stop thinking about it, and I don’t think I will forget it for a long time. This was the definition of the cinematic experience. This is the reason why you go to the movie theater. An experience I won’t soon forget. And for the record, I will be seeing it multiple times in theaters to come.

The castings here are perfect. Paul Dano and Colin Farrell are perfect antagonists, both giving extremely layered and complex performances. Paul Dano in particular is fairly terrifying as the Riddler. Zoe Kravitz is especially electric as Catwoman, being the perfect other half of our crime fighting duo. I also really loved Jeffery Wright as Gordon. But we have to talk about Batman himself, Robert Pattinson. He might be my favorite rendition of Bruce Wayne, bringing a darker and more brooding take on the character. Some people don’t like this, but I really loved it.

I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t give huge shoutouts to all of the amazing technical aspects and incredible crew members involved. This film is a sheer and utter work of art. The cinematography is absolutely amazing, the sound design is geniusly done and the editing never feels forced. I love the set design and overall look of Gotham. Never did we feel like we were in a city that we knew before. They perfectly used New York, Chicago and various locations in the UK to make their own city. None of this works without the impeccable vision of Matt Reeves. In Reeves we trust and I cannot wait to see what he does in this universe next. 

The Batman is one of the greatest comic book films to ever be put to screen. The more I think about it the more I love it and really believe it could end up as one of my favorite films of all-time. One of the most mature and purely artful CBM's I've ever experienced. This is the definition of the cinematic experience. Everything from the performances, the cinematography, the brilliant score and everything in between is just perfect. The ultimate Batman story and one of the best CBMs ever. Matt Reeves is a master and he just showed it.

Point Breakdown:

15 for Writing: 14

15 for Performances: 15

10 for Entertainment: 10

10 for Direction: 10

10 for Emotions: 10

5 for Cinematography: 5

5 for Score: 5

5 for Pacing: 5

15 for Technical: 15

5 for Rewatchability: 5

5 for Automatic: 5

The Batman: 99/100


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